1. Install view – Requiem For Badgerys Creek, commissioned by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and supported by Create NSW. Featured in Sydney Festival 2023, four channel synchronised video eight channel sound.

2. Detail view – Requiem For Badgerys Creek, commissioned by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and supported by Create NSW. Featured in Sydney Festival 2023, four channel synchronised video eight channel sound.

3. Performance view – New Mountain, commissioned by Blue Mountains City Council, collaborative AV performance with Gail Priest, Rachel Peachy, Tilman Robinson, Ben Durham and Paul Mosig. first presented at Blue Mountains Cultural Centre 2023 and as part of the Unwrapped program at Sydney Opera House in 2024.

4. Still from The Great Year commissioned by Canada Bay City Council as temporary public art. First shown Rhodes Digital Gallery 2022-3 and then as a variation at the UTS public screen on Broadway, Sydney in 2024. Four screens, seventy two minutes, stereo, colour UHD x 4.

5. Install documentation – The Great Year commissioned by Canada Bay City Council as temporary public art. First shown Rhodes Digital Gallery 2022-3 and then as a variation at the UTS public screen on Broadway, Sydney in 2024. Four screens, seventy two minutes, stereo, colour UHD x 4.

6. Still from The Great Year commissioned by Canada Bay City Council as temporary public art. First shown Rhodes Digital Gallery 2022-3 and then as a variation at the UTS public screen on Broadway, Sydney in 2024. Four screens, seventy two minutes, stereo, colour UHD x 4.

7. Still from 10 Perfect Storms commissioned by The Ionian Centre for Arts and Culture, Greece as part of the ABORA exhibition. Animated weather digital paintings of the East Coast Low phenomenon off the NSW coast. Stereo, colour, ten minutes duration.

8. Still from 10 Perfect Storms commissioned by The Ionian Centre for Arts and Culture, Greece as part of the ABORA exhibition. Animated weather digital paintings of the East Coast Low phenomenon off the NSW coast. Stereo, colour, ten minutes duration.

9. Install documentation – Libration Song commissioned by Canada Bay City Council as temporary public art. Site responsive video work, of one month duration tracking the tide and moon cycles at it’s location in the western reaches of Sydney Harbour.

10. Install documentation – Libration Song commissioned by Canada Bay City Council as temporary public art. Site responsive video work, of one month duration tracking the tide and moon cycles at it’s location in the western reaches of Sydney Harbour.

The Storm At 20 Mile Hollow – single channel video – National Trust/City of the Arts Trust commission 2023. Outcome of three month residency at Woodford Academy using located archives, objects and architectures to produce a speculative history of place. Colour, Stereo UHD, custom machine learning voice modelling and 3D lidar scans, 12 minutes duration.